Harvi Tower

Harvi Tower is an indoor planter system that enables individuals to cultivate a variety of edible plants and herbs within the comfort of their homes. This innovative system features a tower structure composed of stacked planters, offering a space-saving and efficient gardening setup.

Industrial Design

How can we bring Harvi in?

We were tasked with redesigning the current version of Harvi Gardens in order to fit into modern home interiors. This meant not only reinterpreting Harvi’s visual design but also redesigning how it functions from the ground up.


Wood Accents
Minimal Forms
Doesn’t Overpower the Space

Design Direction

Our goal was to create an intuitive and efficient experience for users, making it easier for them to maintain and interact with Harvi Gardens in their home. We started by defining the main components and how they would work together in a system. Our next objective was to develop planter pods that seamlessly integrate into contemporary interior spaces. We aimed to create a design that accentuates the beauty of the plants and vegetables being grown, ensuring they take center stage without being overshadowed.

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