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Update Design Language

Asylon's design language was refined to ensure a consistent and unified visual identity for their 3D printed parts. By streamlining the design elements, we aimed to enhance the overall aesthetics and functionality of the products while maintaining brand recognition.



Design Direction

Our primary objective when optimizing Asylon's design language was infusing it with a more rugged aesthetic that effectively conveyed the security nature of their services. This involved enhancing cohesion among their 3D printed “Pup Pack” and shoulder fenders while emphasizing a visually appealing and robust appearance.

Design Direction

Our primary objective when optimizing Asylon's design language was infusing it with a more rugged aesthetic that effectively conveyed the security nature of their services. This involved enhancing cohesion among their 3D printed “Pup Pack” and shoulder fenders while emphasizing a visually appealing and robust appearance.

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